how to study from books?

so i just got two art books, but im not quite sure what the best way is to tackle them, since they dont got any "assignments" in them.
so i would love to hear from other people how they tackle this problem.
i thought that maybe it would be a good idea to the following for the FORCE figure drwaing book
1. try and copy some of his gesture drawing
2. try and analyse why he does as he does
3. then try and do the same thing for a gesture drwaing session
4. and then do step 1- 3 one more time with the same drawings
5. go to next page and repeat 1- 4
do you guys and girls think this is a good way of practice? a bad way? or do you have some others ideas i also could try?
thank you in advance
One good way to understand a book is to spend more time on it. For example the How to draw book by Scott Robertson, some people just spend like 1 or 2 weeks for that book. My suggestion is to spend like 5-6 months just for that one book before reading other book.
reading for knowledge. assignments for skill. ( book dont have assignments make up a few be creative)
READ it, don't just skim and look at the pictures. This isn't true for all drawing books, but Mike is good writer, and his text is just as important as the images.
Yep definitely, the pictures are the end result you should aim for from implementing the knowledge you've gathered through reading it. Books like this make great reference to revisit and flick through for reminders or reference.
Also, don't expect to be drawing like Mike does immediately if you're not experienced, though he makes it look easy it's quite difficult to have confident, long, soft lines that are correct in proportion and connection at the same time ;)