when will Vandruff's course on perspective be released ?
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There is so much teasing ! But if it’s on the way, that’s great.
Hi, about closed captions, at 8:37 there ”drawings behind” instead of “drawing is fun”, in Español there is the same behind, maybe I’m wrong. and maybe a parsing to replace all “à” by a simple “a” in español to avoid the blank spaces would be nice. thank you.
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If I buy the course, how long will I have access to it?
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always but the course will be released progressively.
will it be cheaper to buy it now or later when its all released?
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Daniel Škvařil
Looking for a great content, again! But I am really interested in your take on AI generated Art and its‘ impact. Would there be a chance of an extra Draftsmen episode? Because I guess there is no more serious and burning topic in this field today...
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Brittani Crawford
I'm new to Proko, do classes include indivitual critiques? I learn the most through seeing my worked picked apart. Thanks,
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No, you can use the forum for this, it can help.
Sahar Majid
Hello, I was just wondering how long this presale is going to last?
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The discount will decrease progressively until January
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