Wayne Lam
Wayne Lam
Vancouver Filmmaker
Wayne Lam
Much appreciated for the review on my first pose!
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Wayne Lam
I’m looking forward to be in her class, I’m sure Proko is in the work!
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Wayne Lam
I notice the way you are holding the round brush as if you are writing chinese calligraphy. Is this normal holding style or your own style? Thanks.
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Wayne Lam
What is a best way to learn value, digital or gouache? Thank you.
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Wayne Lam
Thank you for answering my question!
Wayne Lam
As a beginner, can walk us the steps for value exercise each day? Thanks.
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Wayne Lam
Would like to see all the lessons in one link, now it is not organized. Anyone having that issue?
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Sujanith Tottempudi
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Wayne Lam
I felt the same!
Wayne Lam
Since we know the length from the neck to the knuckle is 5 inches, instead of bending each joint, we can measure once and rewire back in. I understand we need to compensate the movement of each joint but we can add 5 and 3/8 inches to the length of the wire. I notice I have been fighting with wire when at the joint and taking much time. Working a large new coil of wire is no fun, I decided to cut off an excess of wire at the final run off the shoulder and knuckle. I just rewire the excess black to the neck. I'm having problem uploading my iPhone photo format .HEIC, this web site doesn't take the new format and I hope Proko will update soon! Thank you.
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Yiming Wu
If you already have gouache, I recommend you do some black and white photo studies instead of using colour (it's so tiring to get colour mixed right...), then you can grasp the value relationship pretty quickly, which is a heavy lifting element in a painting. I'm not against going directly into digital, but digital brush and display will tend to lead you to not discover the real luminance range of an image, because a screen it's emissive, and somehow doesn't really put context lighting into your vision. If you go digital directly, I recommend that you paint some pure white and pure black squares in corners of your image, then you will always have a reference of the luminance range you can go.
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Wayne Lam
I always see a lot of great artists started out in traditional then to digital, their works stand part other! But again finding the right traditional paint teacher can be a challenging! You seem any good teacher?
Hi, was able to "finish" it on time, thank you very much Andrew! Crits are welcome :) kobi
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Wayne Lam
Nice, you and I just made it to the finishing line. Lol
Cat M
Hey everyone, I'm doing the figure sculpting class to hopefully improve my drawing with a better understanding of form. It's a lot of fun so far, even though it feels like I'll have clay under my fingernails for the rest of eternity. I had already bought monster clay before the 5$ challenge was posted, but aside from that I only used aluminum foil and paperclips.
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Wayne Lam
The texture feels like marble, nicely done! I have the hard monster clay, found it a bit hard to work on!
Here is a face that I based, especially in the early stages, on Jesse. I began with the profile, and I tried to really get Jesse's basic profile. After I had that, I tried to work without the photo reference as much, exploring the shape of the face and the features in ways that I thought was interesting. I probably would have learned more by being more faithful to the references the whole time, but I enjoyed working in something of a hybrid way. Is this a bad way to use reference materials, in this sort of hybrid way? I didn't used an armature for this--it is solid clay. I used a cheap clay that comes in multi-colored bars, which I kneaded together. The clay was a little over $2 a pound, but I used less than half of that. (I gave some thoughts on the clay in another post in this thread for a torso I did, so I won't repeat that here.) For tools, I used a paperclip, which I mangled a little bit so that I had loops of slightly different sizes and shapes. I also used a tooth pick. I broke it in half by accident, half way through sculpting, but then realized that the broken off end has its uses as well.
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Wayne Lam
Nicely done, it is tricky when the medium is soft, I always deformed it when holding in my hand!
Alexis Bodet
Hey all, i made Skelly's girlfriend ! First time doing traditional sculpting but i found that transitioning from Zbrush to Clay was very interesting. A lot of great entries good luck guys. Tools: - Chavant Medium NSP - Wooden spoon - Some welding wire (tin), for the armature and a small tool - Old knife - Wooden plate
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Wayne Lam
My first entry from tradition sculpture to 3D was tricky that I couldn’t see the form of reality but after practicing and my brain can see it now in 3D form. I gained a lot after sculpture and my 3D were most improved. Best of luck.
Wayne Lam
Funny my 20 years old wire stand I made but never get to finish, so using an old stand, foil and a 2 inches wooden shim from picture framing. Here is the head and upper body study.
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Wayne Lam
Can Marco talk about his Mentorship program, will he start again later this year? If so, will it be on the weekend! Thanks.
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Wayne Lam
I’m a Canadian, Tragedy Hip for sure!
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Wayne Lam
Love Marco’s teaching communication! Found him on YouTube, bought few of his courses on his site! And definitely helped me a lot, yes I also bought this one day sale and look forward to improve. Thank you.
Wayne Lam
Can you walk through your thinking process of painting tonal range!
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Wayne Lam
Thank you!
Wayne Lam
Have my question asked before? Thanks
Wayne Lam
What is the best way to store the sculpture plus the Chavant materials? Thanks.
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Wayne Lam
Hi Tim, nice work. Just curious when you took Steve’s course did it have the tutorial videos or this is alive class? Looks like someone I can learn from too!
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Wayne Lam
I’m using my old armature stand that was already build, can I use it or I need the under $5 foil to build into. I’m using whatever household items I can use to sculpture with that is not even a dollar, lol
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