My attempt at this project. The penguin was the easiest, and the hand was incredibly challenging. The VR girl was tricky cause of all the small details; it took a lot not to focus on them and I still couldn't help including them. I'll practise hands more.
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Hello everyone. Here's my second attempt at simplifying the boots to CSI lines, this time after watching the demo. Capturing the shape of the boots was much easier this time around, but I feel like I did even worse with the laces this time. I'll revisit this exercise. Please critique, thanks :D
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Hello everyone. Here's my second attempt at simplifying the snail to CSI, this time after watching the demo. Please critique; thanks.
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After watching the demo I understood the assignment more. These are drawings after watching Stan’s demo. Any feedback would be appreciated 🙏🏼
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your sketches look beautiful, especially the banana. Your tones really stand out from each other
Hello. Here's my first attempt at simplifying the boots to CSI. It was really difficult for me, and it felt like there was too much going on with the boots to simplify, especially in the beginning.
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Hello. Attached are drawings before and after watching the pear drawing demo.
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Both of them are really cool. The way the tones are more distinct from each other in the second one is really beautiful.
julien Gaumet
Hi everyone, Here is a personal project I've worked on last week. I have tried to focus on gesture, shape design and line quality while leaving complex anatomy aside (difficult with such a big guy 😅) I chose to remove some details (hands for example). The pose still feel static to me even if I tried to push it as far as I could. I am however quite happy with the line quality (line weight variation, confident lines...) and the shape design. Please let me know what you think about it ! I post the final watercolor as well, if you have any experience in painting, feel free to let me know what you think about it as well. Thank you guys ! See you !
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I don't have any critiques to make, but I'd like to say that your lines are very clean and the colors chosen are beautiful.
My first attempt at the project simplify to CSI. It was a bit awkward since I tried to use the overhand grip for the most part. The shell was the most difficult part to capture. Please critique; thanks.
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Hey all, I am not a beginner, went to a couple art schools here and there, but I feel I have gotten rusty and developed a lot of bad habits over the years (symmetrical drawings/ digital forgiveness etc,). So I am here to get the rust off and try to do some projects and give critiques when I can. I have a lot of unprofessional art experience under my belt, some fanarts, etc. I have bought several courses and hope to see you all around and get myself into some sort of community. Anyway hello!
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welcome :D
Here's my first attempt at the pear assignment. I feel like I'm having a hard time distinguishing my lighter shadows from my darker halftones.
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Here's my first attempt at the project. I feel like I'm having trouble distinguishing my darker halftone from my lighter shadow. I used only a HB for this, so maybe getting a 2B would help?
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