Brian Slavin
Brian Slavin
Middlebury, Vermont
Good at a lot of mediums and master of none. I have built a career as a massage therapist and have a deep appreciation of the human form.
Brian Slavin
A couple of value studies using OLO Markers which I just got in the mail today. I got the Proko gray scale set. Very nice indeed!
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Brian Slavin
I went back to the beginning and watched Stan do the blockin. My first pears were more rendered than what the assignment was asking for. It feels like I have the right idea.
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Brian Slavin
I Just finished doing value studies based on the first value assignment, but this time I used a 5 value Copic marker set. Next, I will use just 4 values and have the 5th value be the white paper.
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Brian Slavin
Some pre-demo pear drawings. A pair of them (no pun intended!) I look forward to watching the demo now and redoing one or both of them. I recognize that I need to work on sharpening my edges and not over rendering like I may have on these. I want to quicken my pace and stick to the 5 value limit.
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