Shefali Garg
Shefali Garg
Shefali Garg
This was fun assignment. Made me look for interesting sea creatures, Never imagined them to be this eye catching.
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Shefali Garg
It was little challenging but a very interesting assignment. Here is my submission for critiquing
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Shefali Garg
My Level 2 submission. Initially was little difficult to put heads in box as couldn't separate Jawline. Once figured that out was little better. Tried hard to get features right but need more practice and lot of time.
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Shefali Garg
Here is my submission for both levels. For level 1 I have drawn part of my sewing studio. For Level 2 I did arcade.
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Shefali Garg
I used overhand grip with a charcoal pencil on newspaper print. It was challenging, interesting and fun assignment. Proko's lesson -confident swooping strokes makes sketching faster was reenforced. Attached is my submission for rhythm assignment
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Shefali Garg
Here is my submission for level 2 assignment which could not be attached with level 1
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Shefali Garg
Here is my submission for this week's assignment. This was an interesting and fun assignment. Sea lion's face some times looks so much like a dog. Last 5 are level 2 assignment.
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Shefali Garg
Here are my simple animal shapes. First three are level one, rest are level two assignment. The dog portrait I choose make me feel I was looking at an old person who is kind of annoyed with life in general. I tried to make him a happy man in one.
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Shefali Garg
My Master study project . I attempted Peter Paul Rubens “Child’sHead” This is the first time I have ever attempted a project like this. My understanding of the image was that it has been done using pen, brush and ink. I instead tried to do it using graphite. Where ever there were very thick line I used wordless pencils. Background where it seems he has used bold brush strokes I used wood less pencil sides.
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Shefali Garg
Here is my assignment. Along with two for light and order of importance I tried third one where I have light coming from different source. For the Level 2, I have tried a landscape I have attached the photograph. It was not a live observation but photograph that I took myself.
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Shefali Garg
Here is my assignment. Light lines were so light that I had to increase brightness of photo.
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Shefali Garg
Thanks a lot course so far was interesting but after this talk it sure is becoming more exciting.
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Shefali Garg
Never imagined I could draw a creature from imagination but after the lesson, I looked at my own photographs of Yellowstone wildlife, I came up with this creature which has a face and a body sort of a cow with deer antlers. neck like a reflection of a swan and how can I not have wings when it only has two legs. since it was from my imagination i was not fearful of the proportions so I was more confident with drawing lines.
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Shefali Garg
Fun warm up exercise. I can see how drawing every day is helping. Here are my submission for warmup
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Shefali Garg
Tried sketching with pen in order to force myself not erasing on day 9
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Shefali Garg
Day 8, surprised at myself that I could keep up with the challenge with all the projects going on
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Shefali Garg
Day 7, challenge continues,
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Shefali Garg
Day 6 , made a line drawing of a clay and wood stove that I took a picture of in Peru.
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Shefali Garg
Tried all 4. For me the boots were most difficult as I was trying more to be correct with proportion. The others I concentrated more on drawing confident lines. Was drawing from shoulder but sometimes hand was shaking too much
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Shefali Garg
day 5 tried some perspective
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