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This was fun. I didn't watch the demo beforehand though, because I wanted to see how I would do without it.
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I'm actually level one, but I really wanted to try this assignment. I'm also working on improving several other skills like inking and shading using micropens and alcohol markers. So personally I took this beyond sketches and modified the assignment. I also got permission from the artist Richard David Wezensky @dickdavid_sketches to use his drawings as reference. I copied three of his robot drawings and used what I learned to create my own robot. Here is my robot sketch from imagination and Richard's drawings I used as references. The complete drawings will be posted on Instagram.
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So I watched the demo and critique after I posted this. I realized I left out the exploratory and reference work.
My results. Sketching the hand was the hardest.
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Still trying to get used to using my whole arm to draw and getting confident lines.
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Trying this was fun. I didn't look at anyone else's drawings until now. I already see some steps that can help me improve, like mapping out the entire fruit into planes before shading. Also drawing my value scale to help me keep on track with values. Mine were all over the place. Will be watching Stan's pear video this weekend. I just saw the note about uploading by the 26th, but if anyone has any constructive criticism, I'm here for it.
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