Sadie Ward
Sadie Ward
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Sadie Ward
Asked for help
I'm almost there. So close to the finishing line! I'd really love some critique on these, really feel free to tear it apart. I redrew number 1 to try to make the toe design a bit better. I included some of my initial sketches for some of them because I'm not very confident with my shading at the moment. I've felt in some of them it was a hindrance to my original work, but I can see myself improving with it.
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Sadie Ward
Asked for help
Here's the first part of my submission. I haven't had a chance to look at the answers yet, but I'd love some critique on this first part before I move on. No holds barred, I really want to learn feet right.
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Sadie Ward
Here is my best shot. Any and all critique is welcome. It felt awkward trying to do this assignment without knowing feet yet. I didn't want to focus too much on a subject that I hadn't got to yet, except for the bones. I also feel like I'm getting distracted by shading in these studies as that's fairly new to me.
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Sadie Ward
I should mention, b = after answers video.
Sadie Ward
Here is my go at the assessment. Shading is something very new to me but I didn't want to skip this one just because that isn't something I was good at yet. Would really love some critique as I was pushed out of my comfort zone with this (which I liked).
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Sadie Ward
Here's my best shot at it. I realised after the attempts that it was best to trace for the glutes and quades as well. The images on the right are when I've redrawn it after watching the answers video. To be frank, I did get lazy for number four and didn't redraw it. I would love some critique!
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Sadie Ward
Here is my best attempt. Based on prior critiques I've gotten, I've tried to push the gesture a lot more this time to varying level of success (I think). I think I'm still working on not losing gesture when I'm trying to maintain structure. I'd really love some critique, I worked really hard on these. 1b, 2b and 4b are when I've redrawn it after watching the answers video.
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Sadie Ward
Here is my go at it. The image on the left is the one I did prior to seeing the answers video. The one of the right is me redrawing it afterwards. I'd really love a whole bunch of critiques. I've always hated legs.
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Sadie Ward
Here is my attempt. I'm proud of my attempt at it given its difficulty, but would really love some critique so I can improve even further.
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Sadie Ward
These are my go at the assignment. I would really love some help on this because I really struggled with these
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Sadie Ward
Here is my best go at the assignment. Neck muscles definitely felt overwhelming but I think by the end I was getting a grasp of them overall. I'd love any critique people would be willing to offer!
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