Activity Feed
Tried to gleam a better understanding of the overall egg shape (2/3=widest). Will need to investigate the plane changes and the connection between the thoracic arch and back arch caused by the 12 rib. Will do these lessons a bit more rapidly now in order to do 1 lap of anatomy faster.
R=Ref I=Imagination. I will move on from the pelvis and will have to revisit it again. Very complex and havent been able to practically integrate it into quick poses yet.
Bucket study. Will redo a page of buckets since I thought of them as perfect circles not as the squished elipse. Will watch the critique vid to grasp the concept. I think this should be included up front in the lesson to get people on the right track from the start.
Now I need to get more confident with how the pelvis joins with the lumbar and sacrum. Also knowing the rib cage more will help with the front and back portions.
Good practice on form. Looking forward to moving on and learning the specifics. Disregard the Skeleton head one,I will redo once I have more form and positional practice with the arms. Thought of a drill to do all rotation locations of the arm with simple forms. Need to do a cylinder isolation study to do that first.
Jesper Axelsson
These look nice! I like the inventiveness with the mass conceptions. I'll try to look for things to improve on: - I think you could improve the accuracy of your geometric forms (boxes, cylinders & spheres). The forms feel three dimensional, but are a little off here and there (shape, angle of ellipses, convergence). This is especially clear in the spheres. If you want to work on this, draw 3 boxes in different angles from imagination, and do the same with the cylinders and boxes. Then tag me (@Jesper Axelsson) if you want me to take a look. When you draw: Draw through (drawing even the non-visible parts (lightly), as if the object was made out of glass). Boxes - Make them cubes (all the edges are the same length in space) Try to get the convergence right Cylinders - Try to get the convergence right Try to get the angle, shape and openness of the ellipses right If you draw crosscontours, remember to draw through here too Spheres (these are the most advanced) - Try to make the contour a true circle Try to get the angle, shape and openness of the ellipses right If you have 3 crosscontours (one for each axis), try to make them at right angles to eachother in space Do your best, and if there is anything you find yourself struggling with, we'll work on it😎👍 I hope this helps :)
Just did one since I know none of the muscles yet. I will keep redoing these as the knowledge increases.
Jesper Axelsson
Nice! Don´t worry if getting the anatomy right is hard at this point. Stan just wanted to show tracings in the beginning since it's an exercise that you can use as a study tool when you dive deeper into the course. The thing to take with you from this lesson is how to do an anatomy tracing.   Two things I look for in a tracing are: 1. Varying lineweight; thicker/darker for the border of muscles and thinner/lighter for the muscle fibers. This gives clarity to the tracing 2. Fiber-lines going all the way. I want to be clear with how the fibers track so I like to draw them all the way from where they originate to where they insert, and not just indicate them floating in the middle of the muscle.  I hope this was helpful :)
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