Mel "Melissa" Moraitis
Mel "Melissa" Moraitis
Planet Earth
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Mel "Melissa" Moraitis
Not sure I'll finish the portrait as I'm not feeling confident that my skills are there yet especially after doing the pear. :) Felt like the further I went the worse it got. I found myself wanting to blend the lines for smoother transitions. Much harder than anticipated.
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Mel "Melissa" Moraitis
Not the best paper to do this on, but I went with it. Limited the number of pencils to try.
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Mel "Melissa" Moraitis
It's hard not to get disappointed when you're so excited to start a paid course, especially when the first 4 chapters have been put on YouTube for free. However, this is where patience really comes in to play in a world where everything is about instant gratification. These things can't be rushed and by being forced to wait a whole week for another video it gives me a chance to become really comfortable with old and new tools alike. It's been fun and, in the end, I know it will be worth it and I'll be a better artist for it. Surely there is a Chinese proverb for this, eh? :) Thanks for the new video!
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Mel "Melissa" Moraitis
A few Daily sketch doodles. Never have used Col-Erase colored pencils before to sketch with...kind of liking it. Keeping the sketches pretty basic right now by either drawing something off my desk or basic shapes. Note to self: really need to work on perspective. Happy Hump Day!
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Nicolas Malloy
Egg practice Though I am drawing digitally, I work hard to restrict my options so that I don't hurt my learning progression. I disabled my undo shortcut, use a simple brush tool (pencil), and I try not to change the zoom level while drawing. I am not sure if these limitations are enough to overcome the benefits of using pencil and paper to improve drawing skills. I hope so. I suppose I can compare an egg drawing I do on paper with this digital drawing, though I am not sure that is a valid skill test. Any thoughts?
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Mel "Melissa" Moraitis
Nothing is quite like traditional/tactile methods imo. However, I love also doing digital works sometimes. Sounds like you're on the right track with mimicking traditional ways as much as possible, I think it's great. Even your egg looks very sketchy. We don't know what the whole course is, so I can't imagine there being a reason that you HAVE to use pencil and paper. See how it goes, you can always change it if you like. You are still learning the same things, have fun with it! :)
Mel "Melissa" Moraitis
I've had this spiral sketchbook since 2015 and only used it twice as I didn't particularly like the paper then. However, for this course it's perfect! I wanted to try different pencils on the paper to see what works and what didn't. Of course, I didn't throw my whole arsenal at it, but enough to give me more of an idea. I rarely, if ever, use 1/4 way through his fur I started using a woodless charcoal pencil. I hate that graphite and charcoal are not friends. :( I gave myself an hour to complete this drawing so I wouldn't try and be perfect and just be looser about it. I didn't get to finish it, but that's ok. :) At 430am this morning I decided to draw something from my desk and since I love penguins and I picked up this adorable fuzzy pen penguin, I thought why not? Charcoal pencil actually worked great on this paper which was quite surprising. I even used a little of the Mars Lumograph black on the fuzzy hair...haven't got to experiment with them a whole lot as they are supposed to reduce graphite shine. Like a cross between charcoal and graphite. I may experiment with that next. My apologies for being wordy this morning. Ha Have a great creative weekend everyone!
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Helen Cade
This lesson described my drawing anxiety exactly! I have been fantasising about drawing for years but always been so embarrassed and inhibited by my inexperienced efforts that I have given up repeatedly. My greatest hope for this course is that it gives me courage. My passive learning in the last 4 years has already paid dividends - I have learnt how to SEE better- but nothing replaces the sheer graft required to really improve. .....the binge watcher on the sofa....that was me.... In the spirit of is a photo of two self portraits. The one on the left was done 4 years ago. I am currently still working on (and experimenting and exploring with) the one on the right..... Having made substantial improvements and changes even since this photo, it feels stressful to post this but while I always feel acutely aware of my deficiencies in drawing, I am also SO PROUD of how much progress I've made so far without instruction. So this is me.....reaching out to fellow (quietly self-disparaging and discouraged) learners.....let's hold fast and trust the process together. XXX
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Mel "Melissa" Moraitis
Great progress Helen! Honestly, we all go through it even professional artists but believe me when I say we ALL started the same. One of the best statements the helped give me courage was the fact talent had nothing to do with it. It's all learned skill and it takes time and the more you do it the better you get. Just keep your passion to learn and squash the self-doubt that we all go through and most importantly have fun. Thank you for having the courage to post your journey. Hang in there. :) We are so hard on ourselves, but together we can learn to be better, yes? :)
Daniel gaworzewski
Hi I recently finished the figure drawing course. Im hoping in this course I can finally learn how values work. I want to learn how to draw better from imagination. This sketch will be my benchmark since I have drawn this from imagination too. Im ready!!!
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Mel "Melissa" Moraitis
Good luck Daniel! Nice head start and drawing from imagination is challenging. :)
I originally started out doodling references from a library book for fun, then I got interested in the lighting for some of the other photos and did quick little studies. I switched to traditional for one last study before bed, I hope to keep up this momentum throughout the course!!
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Mel "Melissa" Moraitis
Keeping up the momentum is really hard, I hope you do. I'm going to work on that as well. Good luck! :D
I think I'll be doing the course mostly in analog for now, I do have a tablet, but currently I enjoy the tactile feeling of drawing with pencil. Got myself a few fineliners as well to try out. I guess Ill be adding a few things as we progress through the course, but holding back on buying the markers. Tried out shading a sphere with my materials and then doodling a bit from imagination (castle on the floating islands) and did a sketch of my hand. I need to develop my patience, since I tend to go too fast and the result is of course shetchy rather than 'polished'.
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Mel "Melissa" Moraitis
I've worked in 3d modeling and Art and also with Digital painting and honestly, I'll always prefer traditional methods. It's all about that feeling. :) I also skipped the markers as they are not really something I'm interested in and pricey just to play around with. Thank you for sharing all your doodles. I need to do that more as well. Great work on those balls and all the different textures you achieved. Hands are one of the most difficult and scare the dickens out of me and a lot of artists. lol For not having reference on the castle, you did really good! Can't wait to see your progress.
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