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Here's my submission! I really like Marco Bucci work, so I tought it would be fun to participate in this challenge and try to apply things I've learned trough is youtube videos. It was a very good challenge as I'm trying to not color pick the colors as much as I used to do in the past and create my own color palettes. Reference is from Vicko Mozara on Unsplash!
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Neil Smith
Pleased to be taking part in the first challenge of 2022! 😊
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The sky in the second one is fantastic! Love those pink hues :)
This is my submission for the challenge! I kind of have a theme here for fun (red house/hut). I used a hard textured brush, a smudge tool on some of these, and a round brush (for making circle shapes) on Photoshop.
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Very cool theme and nice work!
Stoked for this challenge! Loved doing these little "minis" :D Submitted my 5 faves
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Really pretty work! I'm in love with the one with the penguins, they are so cute :)
Ira Mishchuk
I'm so happy that I finished this in time :) I love landscapes! Done with Caran'd Ache Studio gouache and flat 3/4" brush.
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The colors are so pretty! I especially love the first one :)
Here are my thumbnails. (The first image is my submission, the others are just my practice versions. I included them because I don’t have source photos.) I learned a TON by doing this. I got a much better handle on water control, and composition simplification by painting these thumbnails over and over until I was happy with the direction. I intended to paint landscapes reminiscent of scenes you might find in my home state of Ohio. In each scene I tried to incorporate a mix of lost and found edges to help evoke feelings of nostalgia and solitude. These are all watercolor on paper. (Daniel Smith pigments, and 140# cold press Arches paper.) These were painted with Escoda Reserva brushes sizes 4 and up. For each thumbnail, I used the same palette consisting of Carbazole Violet, Cerulean, Phthalo Blue, Cobalt Teal, Ultramarine Turquoise, Pyrrol Orange, Prussian Blue, Indanthrone Blue, Quinacridone Rose, Carmine, Raw Umber, Burnt Sienna, Hansa Yellow Light, and Quinopthalone Yellow.
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That's a lot of dedication here! But the result is beautiful :D
Janna van Vliet
Here is my submission for this brand new year's first #prokochallenge (Are these hashtags required here as well?) for @Tiffanie Mang 's landscape thumbnails! I'll post the references in the reaction on this entry. I am actually proud of them, I had to redo a lot but got somewhere in the end ;-) How did you guys do?
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I'm in love with your use of colors!
Patti Vincent
Here’s my entry form Tiffanies 5(2 x 2”) challenge, gouache on illustration board. Thank you!!!
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Really like the style and colors! :)
Hello everybody! I think I've never done thumbnails before (or maybe once but a long time ago?), so it was definitely a challenge. This challenge was very fun and I've definitely learned a lot and gained confidence through each thumbnail. As I'm mostly a line artist, painting was a challenge and I realised how important it is to be decisive about your brushstrokes to prevent wonky shapes. It was also nice to see how light and shadow help create depth and volume! And of course how light and very saturated color can attract one gaze. I'm definitely going to make more thumbnails in the futur :) My thumbnails were done digitally, using one main textured brush and a wet brush. Would loved to make them traditionnaly but I'm just getting used to watercolor and mixing colors, so...maybe next time! I've decided to go with the theme of the torii, as they are numerous out there in Japan, all different and sometimes in very surprising places! Decided to give each thumbnails at least a lady with an umbrella, as I found the repetition pretty fun. Now that I have more confidence, I believe next time I'll detach myself more from the reference and allow to play with much interesting colors! All the references photos come from unsplash! (I'm posting them below since only 10 pictures are allowed per post)
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And here are the references used!
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