Gustavo Melgarejo
Gustavo Melgarejo
A theoretical physicist interested in drawing
Activity Feed
Gustavo Melgarejo
I finally managed to catch up with the project, this is my first try on the vr girl. The tapered stroke was very difficult for me, I need more practice, I'm going to see the demo and try to correct my mistakes.
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Gustavo Melgarejo
First attempt at spider hand. I'm going to try to draw the vr girl before watching the demo.
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Gustavo Melgarejo
First attempt at the penguin. I don't like the quality of my lines, I need to work more on that, and in the proportions.
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Gustavo Melgarejo
Hi, here is my first attempt at drawing captain skull, I think I failed at the proportions. I need more practice.
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Gustavo Melgarejo
First attempt for project level 1. Any recommendations would be great.
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Gustavo Melgarejo
Corrected drawing after watching the demo.
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Gustavo Melgarejo
Project level 2 first attempt. It does not look like the photo, I deformed it a lot :(
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Gustavo Melgarejo
This is my third attempt at the project (version 1). I'm not entirely comfortable with the result. I would be very grateful for any recommendations.
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Gustavo Melgarejo
First assignment. The result still does not convince me (it was the second attempt)
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Gustavo Melgarejo
Practicing some more... Drawing of a manga character (From Reference)
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