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Gaylon Lucas
added comment inLoomis Method Front View – Real-Time Demo
Sorry the picture is sideways :D please let me know what you think
Angelo Costanzo
Hi. I'm new in animation and I basically just draw on paper most of the time. Which software do you use for animating cycles ? How do I learn to use the software to practice the walking cycles ?
Steve Lenze
Hey Gaylon,
Nice work on the sketchbook. One of the things I noticed is that you need to add some structure to your drawings. I did a quick sketch of one of your drawings to show you how adding structure can help your drawings feel more solid. I hope it helps :)
Very creative. I like your spooky characters. I noticed a few pages where you drew people in a pose where the underside of the chin is showing significantly, which is a very difficult pose to draw. Here are a few Proko tutorials that could help you:
Loomis Head:
Draw a Head from an Extreme Angle:
The Loomis method is a very simple + easy way to draw a head from imagination. Use that method to help you lay in the the features in more extreme poses.
Hope that helps :) Cool sketchbook, keep it up!
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