learning to draw humans.
Hey guys! I just want to post some of my Bird drawings using spheres, cylinders, and boxes indicated in the lesson. Tell me what you think of them and how could I further improve on these. I highly appreciate your constructive feedback! :)
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Day 2: here's my Structure drawing homework. This time, I referenced a frog and a sea iguana.
Hello everyone! This is my Day 4 of Beans using Aaron as Reference (043-067). What bean poses do you like the most from my sketches and what are the poses I did not do so well? Let me know what you think and kindly tell me how can I improve these beans. Happy Holidays!
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Sessions 6 and 7 of Beans. I really got rusty with these since I haven't been able to practice lately. Just posting here for an update.
Day 5 of Beans (still using Aaron as Reference from 068-087).
Here is my eyes assignment
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Hello, Proko community! I'll post my 9th session of Gesture Drawings here (the 1st image is the 2-minute sketches while the 2nd image is the 30-sec ones). I used Yoni as a reference (you could see the image number next to the letter "Y"). If you have the time, I hope you could comment on what you like and don't like about the images below and what can I do to improve them. I highly value your honest feedback ~ thanks so much for your time! :D Let's learn from each other.
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Hello guys! It's me again :D. Just want to share my Day 2 progress on Beans. I used Aaron as a reference and drew his Poses 001-020. I ask for your critique on this work. Hoping to hear honest feedback from you guys :D Have a nice day!
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Below are my Bean sketches from my 3rd Session on this topic. Aaron was used again as a reference from photos 021-043 (some numbers were omitted due to similarity of poses).
Hi everyone! The drawings below are my 8th Drawing Session with Gesture. I don't really know if I have improved or not. I think that my learning has stagnated.
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Asked for help
Hi guys! Just posting my Day 6 of Gestures to track my progress. Is there anything I need to improve in these 30-sec and 2-min sketches? Would love your feedback! (just want to make sure I'm headed in the right direction or not).
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Hello, everyone. Hoping there's someone to give their feedback on my Day 7 of gesture drawings. Excited to hear from your critique! :D
Good day, everyone. It's my Day 1 of Beans! I really hope you guys could tell me what you think about it and what do I need to work on. Thanks so much! Waiting for your honest feedback :D
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Good day, everyone! I'm posting a new thread based on my progress for Gesture Drawing (just in case my feedback requests have gotten lost in the comment section :) . This is Day 5, and I drew 30-second and 2-minute gestures for each pose side-by-side. I do need your help in what I need to improve in these sketches. Thanks for your time and effort!
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Hello everyone, so excited to be part of this community! It's my Day 1 of gesture drawing and I'd just like to share a compilation of some of my 30-second and 2-minute gesture drawings here. I'm still a beginner at this and I am hoping you could give me honest and constructive criticism for me to improve. :D Cheers!
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Day 4: Hello, everyone! I'm posting today's 2-minute gesture drawings. I hope you could leave me feedback so that I'd know what kinds of stroke techniques I need to practice more. Have a good day, guys! :D
Day 3: Hi guys! I almost gave up on these gesture drawings since it was too difficult! I'm finding it hard to copy Stan's technique. However, I decided to take it slow and focus every day on just one part of the body to improve on. Hoping you guys could tell me what you think about my current progress and what other details I need to improve on. We got this guys! Patience is a must. :))
How is everybody? Just want to put my Day 2 progress in this thread. These are all 2-minute gesture drawings. Hoping you could help me improve by giving me your critique. :) Keep safe, guys!
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