gabriel habiashvily
gabriel habiashvily
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gabriel habiashvily
2m Hi there!,hope everyone is doing well😁, my name is gabriel, im 19 and i love drawing, i have been trying to get more proffsional in the last few years, but i do notice that my art is missing a few things in order to be better, i would love to hear a proffesional advice so i know, what do i need to work on to see an improvment? , thank you for your time!
gabriel habiashvily
Some portraits i made lately, im looking to imrove and would love to have some profesional advice on what i should focus on improoving, Thanks in advance😃
Stephen Bauman
Lighting direction and concept is always at the start of making a better portrait.
gabriel habiashvily
Aaron Nale
Cool my friend, I really like these. U are definitely on the right path in my humble opinion.
With Wednesday's face, it's the 3/4 profile symmetry of the features that is tripping you up. Our eye's are very demanding in that respect. Also, the nose slopes down to meet the brow at the top. This is very important on female and children's faces.
Melissa Gebauer
My draw along attempt. I stylized subconsciously cause that's what I'm used to doing. Otherwise I'm pretty happy, feedback is appreciated 😊
gabriel habiashvily
Hey there, before i start to even comment you should know im just a student, but your attempt is very good whene considering proportion, as you mensioned, you styelised it, and you are secssesfull in doing that, the only thing i would recomend, is for you to work on the lines abit, thou i understend the drawing is styielized, the lines themselfs feel a bit out of place, concider trying to improve on their qulity otherways, your drawing is well done in my eye(whiche are not professional by any means) So ya, sorry this is so long, just keep drawing, you are doing great😁
Vincent Duncombe
Posting one of my latest skull studies. Trying out something new … slowing down and not rushing through the layins ☺️. Didn’t push the values as far as I could but reached the point where I checked off all my goals for the study.
gabriel habiashvily
Hey there, i just want to say, i have looked in your profile and from what i can see, you have an amazing talant, you have very good control over light and shadow, i hope you never stop drawing because you are clearly good at it, so ya, keep at it and have an awsome day🤩
gabriel habiashvily
So, i did some much needed studying, i realized that i was lacking in a full understanding of the skull, i plan to many more, and i would like some critique on my work, and some professional advice, i wish you all a good day😁
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