I've always wanted to learn to draw, but never had a chance. Trying my best.
There have been certain lessons that really seem to take my drawing to the next level and this was one. I was surprised at how much depth adding a few cross contour lines could produce.
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Here is my submission. It is mostly level 1 with a few attempts at level 2. I found this project satisfying. I was thinking it would make a good warm up exercise. It’s relatively easy, but not boring. Each blob can be something different. You can combine blobs together to make more complex shapes. p.s. I started the course around Christmas time and I’ve finally caught up.
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I’m calling this a level 1,5 project. My son has been building Lego tanks lately so I used those as my inspiration for these images. I’m finding that I am struggling with controlling my line weight. My basic construction lines are ok, but as I get into smaller details, like the ellipses, I start drawing them with dark lines before I have really finalized the shape. This leads to messy erasing. Is this just a beginner thing? I don’t notice this when I am warming up, it seems to happen when I am focusing on a particular shape. It also happened a lot with the hands.
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Here is my level 1 attempt. This was a hard one for me. Lots of erasing. I had a lot of trouble getting the boxes to capture the correct perspective of the fingers.
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I did the first 9, then watched the demo. After watching it I decided to redo them. So these are my second ish attempts. My first attempt I was not converging the lines enough. I found it helpful to decide which lines were going to be parallel first, then start drawing at the corner closest to the viewer. First the parallel edge, then two other edges connecting at that point. Once you have those lines the rest seems to fall into place more easily. I also found comparing the proportions of the face to the side of the head a useful check on my drawings. My initial attempts often had the relative proportions wrong, and that messed up the amount of convergence as well.
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I decided to try the level 2 project and tried drawing the heads in perspective. Although I don’t think the details are great, I do feel like I captured the perspective of the heads pretty well.
Here is my first attempt. I meant for this to be a warm up/test drawing, but I kept adding to it until it was this. This is drawn based on my home office. It is much neater than the real thing.
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Here are mine. I feel like I am doing a pry good job of capturing the pose, but they don’t look quite a clean as they should. I’m still need to improve my line quality I guess
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John B
@Darin this is an interesting idea and I'm sure we'll have more packs in the future geared towards beginners. What kind of subjects are you hoping to draw with the timer tool?
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Another possible solution would be to make course materials accessible from the Timer app. I just got the the rhythms project which contains 30 images of models. The images appear to be taken from the various model packs. It would be very helpful if I could use the Timer app with those images included with the beginner course. If the course material was accessible, then instead of trying to sell a beginner pack , you could just add more of those basic images to the beginner course material.
My suggestion would be to look at the images used for the projects in the beginner course and just use more of those. More fruit/still life, animal portraits, etc. I just got to the gesture project and was really happy to see 30 ish pictures of seals to choose from. If those were available to use with the timer tool, that would be great.
here are a my first few. I’m enjoying doing these so I think I’ll probably do some more
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This project took me way too long. I got a bit obsessed trying to measure everything. I am pretty happy with the result, although looking at the picture, I can really see how inconsistent my line weight is.
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I liked this exercise, but it was trickier than I first imagined. I found it pretty straightforward when the faces were 2d, straight on or a profile, but it got much trickier when there was perspective to deal with.
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I had trouble starting this project. I had trouble finding images that I felt like I could actually see the variation in lines. I watched the demos and some of the critique video to get a better feeling for what I was supposed to do. Anyway, here is my study of an image by Peter Han. I focused on the face because there was so much detail in the clothing.
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Here is my attempt at this. I definitely struggled with the shadow and light. The head and the horns look ok, but the body and the deep wrinkles seem weird.
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I liked this project. I feel like trying to be perfect is one of my biggest issues. Loosening up and not worrying so much about details is something I need to work on. I think the hand gave me the most trouble, and I like the VR girl the most.
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I just started the Drawing Basics course, and with the 12 days of Proko, I've been watching some of the live streams. It made me think that it would be really useful if there were some image packs, for use with the Timer tool, that contained images that would be easier for a beginner to use. I just got to the two week challenge, and I though something like the timer would be super helpful, if it had some simpler subjects.
Here is my snail. I wasn’t sure how much detail to do in the body of the snail. I tried to indicate the shapes of the snail, without getting into the detail.
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Here is my drawing of pear 3. I think it is alright, but my light tones are too dark.
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I watched the demo video and tried the exercise again. I think this turned out better. I also practiced getting 4 distinct values.
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