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I’ve been waiting for Marshall’s course for so long that I’ve done DrawBox, How to Draw, both Earnest Norling books, and Craig Attebery’s book. I’m good on perspective now. Just waiting on the shading section. I love you Marshall and Stan but it’s true.
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It really makes no sense to classify perspective types by the number vanishing points visible. A box is in one point perspective NOT because it has one vanishing point visible. It is in one point perspective because the part of the box closest to the viewer is an entire plane. Likewise a “2 point box” has an edge closest to viewer. A 3P box has a corner closest to the viewer’
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In my experience, academics are never impressed by anyone but themselves.
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In the Exorcist, there is a scene in which the priest is walking through the city and mourning his mother and for a split second the demon face flashes on the screen. I was probably 12 at the time and that image has stuck with me my entire life. That quick and subtle imagery is more potent and frightening than any of the other ridiculous bs in that movie.
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Walking Dead spoiler alert: The humans are the monsters.
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You don't need plan and elevation view to rotate vanishing points. You just need to find you station point and use a 90degree triangle to rotate them.
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I relate to so many of these that I couldn't cite them all in a comment. I wanted to share my thoughts on "Lack of empathy" This is the "suck it up" mentality. There is a difference between lack of empathy and the ability to channel pain into a resource. It's related to the 'Run toward the thing that scares you" mentality. People who have experienced a lot of pain naturally have developed a higher tolerance to pain. This can come through as a lack of empathy. Those who have experienced lots of pain have also learned to channel it into power. That can also come across as a lack of empathy. It could simply be that they expect others to channel the pain the same way.
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Wait what? Dean Martin had a tv show? How am I just hearing about this now? @20:35
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I'm watching this in 2023. I love everything James said, what incredible advice and inspirational story! I hope that we are beyond taking advice to elon at this point, though.
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I'm listening to this late in 2023. It's fun and interesting how many of these topics have aged. I can't hear Stan mention the Metaverse and not think of what a failure that was for Zuckerberg.
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