Aspiring Artist. Still developing confidence in the idea that I can draw at all but I am getting there. :) I'll edit this later.
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added comment inMannequinization – Structure of the Human Body
Asked for help
Hello, I'm looking for some feedback. There are a couple things I see. My drawing represents this man to be a bit shorter. mostly happening in the limbs. But what I'm really wondering about is the mannequinization. What are your thoughts? As you can see I wrote myself a note to simplify. I was struggling with that. I've been practicing this for a week and I'm wondering if I should move on. I've heard Stan say on the podcast to spend a week or 2 max on each lesson because the next lesson may help you. Should I move on and come back later?
Sita Rabeling
Asked for help
Assignment 3 without having watched the video. The shading… still don’t know how.
Lucas Lacerda
Here are some 30sec practice I did today, when I'm starting the course. I would really appreciate some feedback on them.
This is not my first time approaching figure drawing. In the past few weeks I have been reading some books about it, watching videos, and practicing with hundreds of 30 sec poses.
The only issue is that I don't know if they can indeed represent movement well enough, so I started the course for knowledge and critics
Is it worth getting hold of a bendy artists manequin or is it best to draw from imagination? Thanks