Chris Martin
Chris Martin
Improving and expanding my toolset to tell more stories.
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Lv 2 Skully. I think I overdid with details in the neck, I was being hypnotized by the bones and veins and things... I just lost track of the purpose of the assignment
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Chris Martin
I did the same with mine, but who cares, we had fun right?! Great job
James O
Looking for feedback and critique. Here's my camel and skelly. I may have simplified too much? Enjoyed the assignments and I'm looking forward to the next one.
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Chris Martin
I think these are fantastic, great choices in simplifying.
Chris Martin
Here are my submissions. I recorded a timelapse for those interested, check out my new website and YouTiube channel!
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Chris Martin
Not simplified I know, but I was having fun with lines either way!
Here is my attempt to draw something similar using techniques from video.
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Chris Martin
Love this, the pose and all, great job
Chris Martin
An original character design for a friend. Tried to colour with these methods and it was really an eye opener. Would love any feedback. Using Krita, and still trying to find a brush with a soft edge and a hard edge. Also, not sure how to rotate the brush to control the direction of the hard and soft edges. I may be missing something in my setup. I am using a Surface Pro 8, with latest version of Krita. Thanks!
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Chris Martin
I tried to colour an original drawing. Still figuring out the blending modes and really, painting is a new skill I'm trying to develop. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
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Chris Martin
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Chris Martin
I gave both references a shot. I would like to spend more time on this, but here is where I am so far.
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Chris Martin
How do you feel about this messy quick gestural approach? Should I polish them? Work slower?
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Chris Martin
First attempt - feedback welcomed
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