Blaire Wilson
Blaire Wilson
Blaire Wilson
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Blaire Wilson
Day 2: Toy car Found a cowboy themed hot wheels toy and wanted to draw it.
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Blaire Wilson
Day 1: Fire Hydrant. Was going to draw a normal fire hydrant, but thought it kinda looked like a little guy with a hat.
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Blaire Wilson
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Blaire Wilson
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Blaire Wilson
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@Stan Prokopenko Is everything OK with the course schedule? The demo was always preceded by the project. But the last assignment was the rhino, not these shoes.
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Blaire Wilson
I believe this is because the level 2 assignment was also to sketch from observation with line weight. That's most likely what he's doing a demo for here.
Blaire Wilson
His name is Andy Amphibian, and he chooses violence.
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Blaire Wilson
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Blaire Wilson
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Kalmon Rosenblatt
I've finished the first two videos and finally completed 20 Gesture drawings. I know we're supposed to draw these in two to three minutes, but trying to keep that timeline was really frustrating, and a bit self defeating. I just couldn't make that time, but I am getting faster. I also have a full time job, which can leave me a bit mentally exhausted for the rest of the day, so I'm having trouble really committing to more than an hour a day sometimes, but I'm trying to make life changes to be less of a procrastinator.
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Blaire Wilson
I think the reason you're not reaching the time limit is because you're focusing too much on trying to capture the contour's of the models, instead of the motion. I recommend doing a bunch of 30-45 second gesture drawings, try the almost stickman like drawings Stan does at the beginning of this video. They'll help teach your mind to focus on the big picture, rather than trying to start the little stuff right away (pecs, abs, etc.)
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