Abner Martinez
Abner Martinez
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Abner Martinez
Hello! My name is Abner Martinez, and I am an aspiring artist. I've been a harshly focused traditional pencil artist up until 2021, where I started to incorporate digital art more often. I personally love to design using a 50/50 blend of geometric and organic shapes, with a tap into futuristic concepts. The primary focus that I had for myself on this year was to improve my ability to draw from my imagination (specifically humans), as most of my art pieces until this point tended to rely on only drawing what I saw. As of recent, I've been trying really hard to stretch my comfort zone on what to draw, and I just feel like I've been having issues to maintain a form of consistency and be reliable. It's been hard for me to figure out what I need to improve on, and I wanted to have a little bit of input on where I should steer for more practice.
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Abner Martinez
* My goal is to eventually be able to write or make my own stories, whether it be comics, games, or even animation. I'm a bit lost on which medium I should head in as well, since I tend to continuously jump between the three.
Abner Martinez
Hey everyone! My name's Abner, and I love to design around creatures and environments. As of recent, I've been spending 2021 working with digital art and focusing a lot on human anatomy and facial expressions to give more life into my drawings. (The last one was a piece from 2019.) It's nice to meet everyone. :)
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