Gino Datuin
Gino Datuin
painting and drawing
Gino Datuin
Here's a digital self portrait done in Photoshop. I still like to keep my process pretty similar to a traditional approach.
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Gino Datuin
Took a different approach to this self-portrait and I'm not sure if I enjoyed the process as much. But, I did enjoy painting the glasses and the dramatic lighting. Acrylic on canvas.
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Gino Datuin
Here is another self-portrait that I left untitled. I really wanted to capture the slight upward angle from the distortion of the camera lens. This was done with acrylics on paper.
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Gino Datuin
I created this self-portrait entitled "Face mask" in an attempt to remind myself to take some time out of my day to relax and reflect, despite some current events of the world. This was done with acrylics on canvas.
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Christopher Beaven
Wonderful composition1 I love the colors also. But I agree with @Yiming Wu the edges of the cloud could be softened in places or lost in in others to increase that depth. Also I think you can push the hues to a bit more higher chroma in the cloud. Next time try creating the grays of the cloud with a combination of complimentary colors rather than straight gray. Overall it's a wonderful painting! I would love to see a series of these.
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Gino Datuin
Thank you for feedback christopher! I think I struggled the most in the inside of the cloud to create the effect of soft and hard edges and color was never my strong suit so I'm def working on that 😅 I do plan on making a small series of cloud paintings.
Yiming Wu
Looking interesting! Is it intentional that you made the cloud look like "cut and pasted"? There's some very nice paper-cut like effect on the lit edges. I think if to improve this, you can also put some more sharp edges inside the cloud so it has more "layers" of the fluffy shape.
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Gino Datuin
Thanks for the feedback Yiming! Yes I left that light side edge very sharp to stick out more and softened the edge on the bottom right side to give it somewhat of a balance.
Gino Datuin
My painting of a large cloud I saw on my way home from work one day with some close ups. Critiques are always welcomed.
Account deleted
Hi Gino, wonderful value study. Is she one of the Grafit Studio models? If so, than you captured her well. To work with one brush is a good way to start. Try now different brush sizes and blend the values together. That would my recommendation to you. Good work.... keep going.
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Gino Datuin
thank you for the helpful advice! and yes, she is from the grafit studio reference
Gino Datuin
Critiques welcomed. Sometimes painting digitally can be overwhelming with all the different tools and features digital programs have to offer, so I decided to keep it simple and just use the basic round brush in black and white to make this portrait. Twas fun. Thanks, and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Gino
Gino Datuin
Some additional pages from the same sketchbook. You'll see a color gamut exercise I tried from James Gurney with my typical palette. It's pretty much a Zorn palette/modified Zorn palette.
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Looks great! Keep up the good work :)
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Gino Datuin
Thank you so much!
Stan Marsh
Dope man!
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Gino Datuin
Thank you! I really appreciate it!
Scott Kersey
These are fantastic, thanks for sharing. What medium are these in?
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Gino Datuin
Thank you so much! These are all done in acrylic paint
Kevin Labaziewicz
I noticed how the edges of your subjects started to become looser as you progressed, which is good. Also, the fruits one is my favorite.
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Gino Datuin
Thank you Kevin! Surprisingly, the fruits one is one of my earlier works.
Gino Datuin
added a new topic
Just wanted to share a couple of pages from my sketchbook. Nothing too serious. These are all mainly fun and mindless sketchbook painting. I will add more pages to this thread later.
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Nice work, I like the shapes and I think the small blue color notes you put in the 2nd picture are pretty interesting :)
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Gino Datuin
Thank you so much. The blue notes is a wash of blue for the underpainting similar to doing a wash of burnt sienna in a traditional painting. I figured it'd be interesting coming through a fairly red and orange portrait
Gino Datuin
Recent digital paintings by yours truly. Of course, always open for critique. Thanks, Gino
Gino Datuin
Some portraits in black and white for value practice. Feel free to offer some critique. Thanks in advanced. Gino
Gino Datuin
Just wanted to share some of my recent digital works. Feel free to leave me a critique or suggestion. Thanks in advanced! Gino
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Hi Gino. Lots of up votes which should tell you something. I am hesitant to critique a sketch as the purpose of sketching is to work out techniques/thoughts and doesn’t need to be a finished piece. So please take the following in the spirit it’s given. If these are from reference then I’d recommend more careful measurements and plumb lines and if from imagination I’d put more initial effort on the underlying structure/anatomy using Loomis or Reilly. I say this because some of the proportions are off, for example some ears are too large/small and not placed anatomically correct.
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Gino Datuin
Thank you for your critique! These were all from reference but I was definitely pushing stylization. Definitely hard to find a midpoint of exaggeration and style while keeping believable proportions and anatomy. Thanks again!
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