Blair George
Blair George
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Blair George
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Blair George
And so I've come to the end of the line, what a journey it's been. I'm stoked with the results I've gotten from these workshops, so glad I decided to take this course and that I was able to finish it. The overall video runtime might be 14hrs, but it took me considerably more to complete this in its entirety. Taking things slowly (or moving as fast as you're able without sacrificing quality or diligence) pays out in the end, as there's lots to unpack here throughout these lessons and all of it helps going forwards. All in all, great course here, thoroughly enjoyed it! I'm looking forward to hopefully taking the male counterpart to this if/when you ever get round to it. I'm very happy with finish on this drawing and glad I could end this series on a high note.
Patrick Jones
Wonderful stuff Blair!
Christopher Beaven
Great job! That's fantastic!
Very nice!
Blair George
The third long pose complete, really happy with the finish on this one, my best yet so far I believe of the long pose series. The pattern I've come to notice, is that the beginning/construction of the drawing is what I'm finding to be the hardest and slowest points of my drawing process as compared to the render. I feel that my artistic insecurities and/or incompetence is most revealed in the beginning stages, the start always feels like a gamble for me and one where the odds aren't stacked in my favor. Once again the fear of failure is prevalent throughout these lessons and even more so outside of them in my own works. I hope that with mileage this will lessen and I'll be able to go into artworks with less fear, less worry and more joy. I'm trying to love all stages of the drawing as you suggest we do, a task that is easier said than done for me hahaha, construction is a great weakness of mine always has been. The end result of these lessons have showed me what I could achieve in my own works once I no longer have to battle so hard with the initial stages of a drawing. This is the great thing about these lessons, even in our losses/struggles we can gain a victory in the sense that it indicates our own artistic weaknesses, and reveal to us what needs working on, cheers!
Blair George
So this one was struggle city for me in the beginning haha. Before even starting the first part of this long pose, it took me two whole days to push past the mental barrier (or fear of failing if you will) to even commit charcoal to paper. I can say I'm happy with what I've been able to achieve here, though the part of my drawing that bothers me the most is the undersized outstretched left foot. As Patrick mentions in a later lesson "there's nothing more insecure in a drawing than small feet" haha, and it shows here so watch out for that. I've started taking progress photos along the way so I can document the stages of the drawing, here I'll include the very first rough alongside the finished states. This is one of the difficult points I'm finding in my "artistic journey", how to visualise from the "ugly", rough stage of the beginning to (hopefully) coming to an end that will be aesthetically pleasing to the viewer. Once again great exercise here, challenging in more ways than one!
Blair George
Fantastic demonstration and drawing process! I'm loving the commentary and explanations that accompany these lessons. This is just the type of course I needed to jump back into drawing in this manner and shake some of that rust off. As someone who hasn't drawn like this since July of 2020, I was expecting a horror show but I was pleasantly surprised by the results I've got by taking things slowly, drawing alongside the video as you went through the various stages of the drawing. With still much to learn, I'm looking forward to what the rest of the course has to offer, here are the results of what I was able to achieve. Cheers for this Patrick! I'll be sure to look at the other courses you've created in the near future.
Patrick Jones
Wonderful seeing your progress here Blair, and apologies for seeing these so late.
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