Taylor Brown
Taylor Brown
Halifax, NS
Taylor Brown
I’m a bit younger at 30, but I only started to so much as doodle at age 28. Seriously. I had an elementary school teacher show my drawing to the rest of my class and mock it. It scarred me so bad, I never drew again until I turned 28. I still only do art a few times a year because I never really got over that experience, but I’m certainly not going to give up. And neither should you; the human brain is a wonderful thing and we can learn at any age!
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Taylor Brown
I wanted to say thank you for making the painting in greyscale lesson available to everyone, it is the best explanation of tones ever! I took the ideas you taught in that lesson and I was able to do this on paper. I’m no artist-I maybe draw a few times a year, and was always bad at it. After seeing what happened after just one of your lessons, I purchased your digital painting course immediately. I’m excited to go through this course!
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Taylor Brown
I love this teaching style, I really needed to hear from a person with a “do it anyway” mindset. As a beginner, I was so overwhelmed by anatomy, perspective, etc. that it made me AFRAID to draw. But if I don’t draw, I can’t improve! Steven inspired me to just try it in this video. I finished a page of boxmen and the exercise really helped me tie things together. Hopefully I can continue to ditch the perfectionism and learn as I go instead!
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