Sricharan Narayanan
Sricharan Narayanan
!4 year old who wants to draw
Activity Feed
hey is my submission of self portrait my oil painting, "In My Reflection"
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Sricharan Narayanan
The red and blue is nice
Maria Alejandra Barragan Maffe
Here's my self portrait created on procreate, this is my current style would love to get a critique on it :D
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Sricharan Narayanan
Nice colors. Love the way the hair is done.
Here's me. Would love critique. Digital, done in clip studio.
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Sricharan Narayanan
The lighting is great, I love the way the light is painted in the right side of the face
Sricharan Narayanan
My first ever self-portrait. Traditional A5 Watercolor. Would love some criticism. Duo-color.(red and blue)
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Sricharan Narayanan
Is this only painting or can other mediums like alcohol markers be used?
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Sricharan Narayanan
Traditional and digital techniques used together.
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