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Stan, will this course really start from zero? I bought the figure drawing course but I was a little bit overwhelmed since my basic drawing skills were / are not present and I need something which will start a little bit more from the beginning. The discount is very tempting to buy the course but I assume there is no refund next year if am not satisfied with it?
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Hey y´all! What I really don´t get is, that Proko says that we should draw motion and not contour. But in the very first example at minute 1 he clearly draws the contour. So I really don´t get the difference at these examples. Sometimes it looks like contour somtimes not. The difference is clearly that we should focus on the movement the body does, I got that. But if we have the "movement" should we then surround it with contour? Hm.. that´s really tricky to get the hang of it :). Maybe someone can bring light in here?
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