Seth Lynch
Seth Lynch
Illustrator / Concept Artist
Activity Feed
Seth Lynch
Amazing! Thank you so much :)
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Seth Lynch
Hello, thank you for taking the time to put this course together! I would love any feedback you have thanks!
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Seth Lynch
Awesome first lesson! Looking forward to this course! :)
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Seth Lynch
Hey J, I'm new to Zbrush for about 3 months, I want to work as a Concept artist/Character artist, how did you personally tackle learning anatomy?
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Seth Lynch
Hey Karla, how do you schedule your usual days? do you wake up and get right to work, how much do you allow yourself for free time?
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Seth Lynch
Do you think its unwise to try to freelance as a concept artist before working in a studio environment?
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Seth Lynch
Hey Antonio, when you first started drawing Dragon's were you building a visual library from real life animals or did you take from Dragon art that already existed?
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Seth Lynch
Hey Stan, Just want to say I'm loving Proko 2.0 and feel privileged to be able to be in on the ground floor. I'm taking your figure drawing course right now, I'm just wondering if an artist as far along as you still does gesture studies?
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Seth Lynch
Hey guys, this is my first time posting for feedback. This is actually pretty tricky haha Let me know what you think I should focus on improving thanks :)
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Seth Lynch
Hey Andrew, which traditional sculpting masters did you or would you recommend studying?
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