Ricky Purnell
Ricky Purnell
Blender 3D and illustration hobbyist.
Activity Feed
Ricky Purnell
Hello all. This is my attempt at this lesson. Can anybody give me some advice or pointers?
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Ricky Purnell
Hello. Testing the new site which has pushed me to be a bit more proactive with my drawing. This is my attempt at mannequin assignment 2. Right now I hate my art style, I hate my lines and I hate my work. But I know its rust and a forever work in progress. Really getting stuck with the mannequin. I have been 2 strict with the shapes and am trying to loosen up and think more of what feels right.. I know I have been lazy in some areas like the hands and feet but feel I’ve got bigger issues right now. I’d appreciate a little push and feedback here if anyone can help. What should I focus on?
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