Philip Samerjan
Philip Samerjan
Georgia, United States
Activity Feed
Philip Samerjan
"Cartel Meeting" The top executives of the Flintavo Cartel meet to discuss business in their lavish estate. The boss Dante Flintavo sits in the middle, while his 5 Capo's all gather round trying to figure out how close investigators are to their criminal activity.
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Philip Samerjan
This piece was all done digitally in Photoshop. The group itself is fictional in nature, with each member of the cartel having different celebrity/model inspirations. One of the main themes of the cartel is fire, so most members wear red, but the green wearing gal Yoko is quite the outsider.
Philip Samerjan
Drapery classes like from New Masters Academy, Hogarth, or Bridgeman, seem sorely needed in more art education. Would be neat seeing more courses in how to paint clothing, perhaps going into the styles of Leyendecker, Cornwell, and even fashion illustrators. Another course type I think a lot of art education should teach more of is material studies. Like Jonathan Hardesty of Schoolism has an awesome course going into tons of material properties. Would like to see some more standardized looks into the properties of color/light and how to train your eye to look at different materials.
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Philip Samerjan
Another great lesson! Really good tips on how to make brushes more organic, and great having access to your oil brush tips. Can't wait as we get more into digital brushwork in particular!
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