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I love pangolins.
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So cute!
VR girl 2.0. Trying to be loose and sketch, but I still found the shirt choppy lines sneaking in 😬
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I couldn’t pass up such a fun assignment even though I’m newer to the basic concepts 😊. Ignore the chocolate on the one drawing, my sons last minute contribution.
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Alexis Riviere
I have zero idea how bird anatomy works. But the point was to get loose, and I did.
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These are lovely 😊 !
I can tell I was uncertain at the top/start, but became looser and had more fun by the boots. It’s funny how much work it is to relax!
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Like driving a car, only slightly off-roading !
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I very lightly drew in an outline, then tried to place more expressive c s I curves in the actual drawing with taper lines. I still found myself uncertain about the proportions. I hear hands are definitely the easiest part of the body to draw 😊😳
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Edo Moya
Who's in for another round of boots after watching this? 🖐️
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Yes! Especially after seeing Stan struggle with the laces a bit too. It takes some stress off and the direction was helpful!
Brad Clement
For those of us struggling with the boot laces, maybe this internet dad joke will provide some levity: I bought some boots from a drug dealer. I don’t know what he laced them with, but I was trippin all day.
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Tried the boots again. It bothered me how hard they were so I really tried again to simplify, mainly by removing the laces. Laces are just C S and I curves so I did them last time, but there’s no way they’re level one 🤷‍♀️
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skeleton captain. Fun one. Felt like I was using my whole arm more than the snail. Maybe too simple?
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Hudson Koonce
Tried this once, but I felt like I got way to caught up in the details, so I did it two more time, trying to simplify it to CSI lines. I’m open for any critiques on how to simplify better, or if you notice something else to critique.
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Wow! The difference really shows, looks great!
Any feedback is greatly appreciated, thank you :)
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I really like your snail head! The depth is wonderfully captured
My camel attempt. I actually felt it was easier to feel S and C curves with this one than the level one drawings! I’m glad I tried it despite being newer to drawing!
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Micah Glinter
Here’s a little warm up exercise i discovered when doing the mushroom head exercises in the basics course. (Remember to use your arm and wrist while warming up.) step 1: draw an ellipse. step 2: add the eyes and the mouth note: make sure everything is an ellipse, this is an ellipse exercise! Don’t forget :)👍 step 3: now add the pupils, tongue and teeth and then the ears. step 4: shade the pupils, inside the mouth and if you want- add some shade as the cheeks. step 5 (optional) : if you think you can…add some facial details and darker lines go ahead and do it. and next you can incorporate “CSI” (c curves, s curves and straight) lines and make all sorts of different “screaming men” that’s what I call them. now go do some screaming men warmups!! Have fun and enjoy it! please tag me @Micah Glinter in your warm up So I can comment and maybe give a lil critique.
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Wow! Fun! Also looks exactly like my face after drawing shoelaces 😅
when outlining the simple shapes I was having a great time. Until I started to outline laces. I’m dying to know if we were expected to do the laces or if Stan will. I was happily drawing the boot on the left and after doing the laces my brain was so fried I think it shows in the right boot. It may be a long time before I can look at laces again 🤯
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First try at level one snail. I drew some proportion lines with a lighter pencil then tried to do the c, s and I lines with darker pencil, but some spots it looks like I was tracing and you can see the shorter choppy lines. It will take some practice!
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project- attempted level two as well. It’s my first time drawing with different pencil values so a bit of a learning curve!
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My level one attempt. After watching the video, I didn’t use 2H, but need to work on keeping my shades more distinct! Fun project!
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