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Daniel Mauricio Gracia Castillo
So, I'm leaving this one here, hope I get some feedback!!!
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Overall solid!. The spinal twist feels just right - not too much, not too little. Good cross contours too. Some muscles are feeling a bit out of proportion, notably the arm to the right - wrist is real thick, upper arm, deltoid a bit too arched. Remember to find the source of the curves - every curve of muscle will terminate or source to some point along the body. Find those source points (often landmarks but sometimes just a vector or notable curve) and use them to construct the musculature.
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Hey all, never really had a great grasp on landmarks so I'm taking my time on this lesson. Drawing 1 was following + copying Stan directly from the video, Drawing 2 was me trying to find the landmarks for the pose on my own. Admittedly #2 got a bit heavy on the lines so it's hard to see the landmark points, but I felt good about how it ultimately turned out. Feedback welcome + appreciated!
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Haven't posted in a while, but I've been trying to work on researching anatomy/landmarks more! So here are a couple ones I did recently; the way I went about it/filled things in is probably a little different than Proko's, but I felt like I was making progress! Mostly I'm concerned about whether things are generally in the right area, since I don't want to develop habits of putting things where they don't really go. Any help/critique is greatly appreciated! (I also opted to just work on the torso, since it's a lot of info and I didn't want to get overwhelmed with the arms and legs yet.) Hopefully everything is easy to read!
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Great job - rapid fire studies like this are awesome to get the landmarks lodged in your brainfolds. If you're going to do further landmark studies, try a drawing that gets into some more depth!
Linda Hugues
Landmarks homework: all comments are appreciated. Thanks!
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Two things I'm noticing. First, the drawing is pretty contour-heavy. Remember your 30sec gesture, and use that as a start point - get the feeling of the pose across first before diving into the specifics. Second, you've got the points in their generally correct location but they feel a bit arbitrary. Everything in the body connects to itself - if you look hard enough, each of those points will either be along a curve or at the end of one. Try going through the video here and copying Stan verbatim to understand how he rationalizes the location of each landmark, then move on to applying what you learned to another model pose. On the positive, your proportions are looking solid and that's certainly a finecky thing to get down!
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Good take on Stan's! If you're still doing landmark exercises, try a different model pose now so we can see how you applied the landmarks you learned (that's the next step for me 8L )
Andre Vokamre
I.Have.No.Idea.What.I.Am.Doing. My brain just fails me at this. Or is it my hands? I really tried hard.
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:) no worries, just keep practicing!! Looking at your drawings, first thing I notice is that you're missing the gesture phase + jumped to just dropping landmarks. Think of the 30-sec gesture as the first building block - it isn't gonna get everything *perfect* but it's going to be the foundational 'feeling' of what you're going for. Next time you give this exercise a go, try and copy Stan's process. Get the gesture in, then start with the major landmarks you can see (acromion, sacrum, PSIS/ASIS, etc) and then go for main musculature/fat. Build it brick by brick, working from most important elements to more specific details.
This is the first time I've really dug into specific landmarks, so I copied along w/ Stan for the first drawing. For the second, I came back later and tried to remember everything just based on the model image. Any + all feedback welcome!
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I got sucked into detail over volume, so next time I'd like to try and do simpler forms but more animals, to practice getting those main shapes. Despite that, feedback appreciated on what I've got today~
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Ricard Planes Roda
Hello to everyone, today I started this course and I am really interested in improving if someone has any advice it will be of great help. Greetings from Spain!! :)
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Honestly, just keep going - the gestures look great. Keep toeing that line between too-little and too-much exaggeration to find that happy balance.
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A few 30s. gesture drawings - any feedback appreciated (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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