Lia Serrano
Lia Serrano
Graphic/photo artist exploring the world of portraits and figurative art.
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Lia Serrano
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Lia Serrano
My first attempt. Any feedback appreciated. I had a hard time figuring out where the scapula was on the left side. Still don't know if I have it right. It's difficult but a lot of fun. I want to do some more.
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Lia Serrano
Hi, everyone! These are my first two structure studies. Not sure if I'm doing it correctly? I'd appreciate some feedback. I struggle with figuring out if a certain part should be a box or another shape (like with the top part of the deer's torso connected to the front leg) and also "seeing" through the fur like with the abdomen in the owl. Any tips? Thanks!
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Girish Shewale
Started with how to draw gestures... it seems easy until you start to do it yourself. I fill that the proportion are off.
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Lia Serrano
Hi, Girish! I'm a beginner myself, but from what I've gathered so far on here and from Stan & other professionals, you shouldn't worry about proportion when you're doing gestures. The gestures can be exaggerated so the proportions can be off and that's fine. Gestures are about getting the movement, flow, and emotion of your figure. Nice job! :)
Lia Serrano
I'm having a hard time connecting the head correctly to the rest of the body and with proportion. These are just my first set of sketches. I need to practice more.
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