Jeanne Bowman
Jeanne Bowman
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Jeanne Bowman
I came to the forum to ask just for this thing! I have watched the videos he offers on his website, and they were super helpful. I think he is the clearest, best perspective teacher I have ever seen and I keep checking back to see when this is happening. I've gotten the books he recommended, but a lot of the concepts don't quite click for me yet, so I am eagerly awaiting his course.
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Jeanne Bowman
Hi again! I did a few more of these but still feel confused about some of the figures, especially when they are bending forward. I am struggling to understand when we see the top or bottom planes of the pelvis. I would love your thoughts! Thanks so much!
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Jeanne Bowman
Asked for help
Hi there, I was hoping someone could look these over for me and make sure I am not making terrible mistakes. I am a bit confused about things when the model bends forward in some of the poses because I am not sure how much of the box we would see. I would really appreciate any help with this! Thanks!
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Steve Lenze
Hey Jeanne Bowman, I looked at your drawings, and I noticed that you are doing pretty good. There are a few things that I think you could do to make these more accurate. Mostly, you need to remember that the torso tilts back and the pelvis tilts down. This means we will see the bottom of the ribcage and the top and bottom of the pelvis. I did a quick sketch to show you what I mean, I hope it helps :)
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Jeanne Bowman
Thank you! I will keep this in mind for my next round of practice! I appreciate it!
Jeanne Bowman
Hi! I am finally trying to take a serious stab at this course. I am also using Tom Fox's Book, Anatomy For Artists, Drawing Form and Pose to help me figure out some of the constructions because I found that cross referencing actually helps me the best. BUT I need someone to check my work. I draw the model in black first, then I draw over the model in red to make sure that I am accurate (since I am doing this digitally I slide my draw over to the side so you can see it). Because I am working from my limited knowledge I am worried that I am just cementing my mistakes in my head. Especially with the last figure I did- where the woman is totally bent over (the one with the multi colored boxes I drew on the side to try to figure it out) I feel like I totally missed the mark on that one. If anyone has anytime to look these over and point out my errors, I will be your devoted fan forever! Thank you!
Jeanne Bowman
I went through this video and the previous one and tried to attempt the pose first and then I compared what Stan drew to what I drew and made notes and then drew over the model and made notes about that. Earlier, I had read that Stan exaggerates some of his poses but upon going through this process, I don't think he does very much. I think he comes up with very elegant solutions to the pose that make the pose look even more livelier than the model in a couple of cases. I learned a lot from this practice, mainly that I need to work on proportions and to really pay attention to where the landmarks are. Almost all of my errors came down to misunderstanding the landmarks and where the model is situated in relation to the eye of the camera (top planes and bottom planes gave me the most grief). I had much more luck with it when I started with the bean and kept in mind what Marshall Vandruff said about turning a circle into a cube in the critique video. Obviously my attempts are nowhere near as elegant as Stan's, but I feel like I did have some improvement to my last attempt at this just a couple of days ago!
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Jeanne Bowman
Hi! I am really struggling with this and thought I might ask for some assistance. I am drawing the pose before Stan does, and then copying what he draws in order to compare mine to his. I keep making the same mistakes over and over- even though I am aware of the mistakes, like putting too much space between the ribcage and pelvis, or picking the wrong angles. Does anyone have any advice for me on how to fix this issue? On the last pose, I even drew it one way and then erased it and drew the torso again based on a previous pose because I thought I was making the same mistake, but when Stan drew it, he actually drew it the way I had started with! It is getting frustrating and I'm worried I will get too hung up on it. Anyway, my attempt is generally always on the left and his is on the right. Thank you for any advice!
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