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Hello Marshall and Stan, I enjoyed this episode a lot. As a beginner to drawing it does feel crucial to allow & remind myself to "fail fast". However I want to ask about how to determine the sweet spot between pushing yourself and allowing mistakes (imperfections?) in your sketches for learning. Today I was trying to draw simplified joints, the first practice in Proko's anatomy course - and realized my perspective skill is so damn POOR. Some bones are supposed to be cylindrical but the ellipses I drew at the end of the bones just look SO BAD. So in the end I spent most of the time trying to figure out the rights angles of the major/minor axises, making careful perspective drawings of cylinders etc, instead of getting familiar with the joints. Am I leading myself astray here? Or is it normal, even encouraged for a beginner like me to do a bunch of careful perspective practices first anyway? (Anybody else who read this post, please let me know your thoughts too.)
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