Arthur Parisi
Arthur Parisi
São Paulo, Brazil
Activity Feed
Arthur Parisi
Hi, my name is Arthur Parisi I'm 24 and I'm from Brazil. I started studying art 4 years ago and I just started getting my first jobs in the industry. I'm focused on learning the fundamentals so that my art can improve. I love hearthstone's colorful style but at the same time I also like something more realistic, so I try to study a little of everything and use several artists as reference. My goal is to create amazing images and to support myself only with art and also to work in games that I enjoy. I would like to know what fundamentals I should focus more of my attention now, and also, as I always wanted to work on hearthstone, what do you think I need to improve to get the quality you guys ask on Blizzard. Thank you very much for your attention and for spending the time to give us feedback!!
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