Gavin Kelly
Gavin Kelly
Gavin Kelly
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The Boxer
Portrait of a former Olympic boxer in Havana, Cuba. Oil on canvas, 18' x 14". Based on a photo I took while visiting in late 2019.
Zoungy Kligge
Hi Gavin, thanks for sharing your process. There are things I like about both the small and the large version. In the shadow side of the small sketch you've allowed saturation to remain in the shadow but maybe it's a bit too light. On the big portrait possibly the opposite is true, it's gone too dark and the saturation is missing. I would suggest work with the larger one and "clean out" the shadow a bit. Remove the achromatic dark color (hard to tell but it almost looks like black was used) and replace it with a slightly warmer, more saturated dark, to mimic the look of subsurface scattering of light. I would also say be selective about softening edges so that everything is subordinated to the things that need to be in sharper focus, such as the facial features. As examples of what to soften I'd suggest the ear and the terminator (light/shadow border) on the neck. Good luck. I hope some of that was helpful.
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Gavin Kelly
Hi Zoungy. Thank you so much for taking the time to provide such detailed feedback. I think you have made some great observations, and confirmed some of my suspicions about the tonal values in the shadows between the two images. I love the suggestion about softening some areas of the image as well. Regarding the colors, I used a very limited palette: French Ultramarine, Burnt Umber, Cadmium Red, And Cadmium Yellow Pale. The only spot of black is used in the pupils. Perhaps I need to work on getting the color right in shadows of faces - I think warming up the shadows would help. Thank you again. I really appreciate your comments!
Gavin Kelly
Congrats to Proko and team on V2 of the web site. I am excited to see this community grow over time. In my younger years I used to dabble in oil painting and illustration. That was a long time ago. I'm picking it up again after a very long break, and trying my hand at portraits. Attached are some process images of a recent portrait. One of the images is a smallish sketch in oil to work on values. The final image is 18' x 14" on canvas board, painted over a few days. I'd love to get some fresh eyes on my work and get some feedback on my technique so that I can improve.
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