Daniel gaworzewski
Daniel gaworzewski
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Daniel gaworzewski
Hi so this is my lvl 2.. surprised that I`m actually kind of satisfied with this one! I find it very difficult to actually go really dark - always worried I’m gonna screw it up :/. Also for some reason it looks worse in the picture compared to real life.. x.x
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Daniel gaworzewski
I really underestimated this. Quite challenging. At least I understand values a tiny bit better :)
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Sophia Neishtoot
I've bought the 2mm very soft leads and a large sketchbook (I'm a miniaturist)... I've been trying the overhand grip and drawing with my shoulder, but I couldn't grasp how to make a fine line other than the tripod way... And my palm hurts a lot... I've had an inflammation there in the past, the fact that now that injury is in the way of holding the pencil like a professional really bums me out... I also tried drawing vertically, and now my back issues are reminding of themselves too 🤦‍♀️ I'm such a mess, and I would really like to hear opinions on whether it may hurt to healthy people too, and is there a way to achieve professional results if I can't do it vertically or holding the pencil in the overhand grip for something other than shading the background...
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Daniel gaworzewski
Keep at it u can do it :)!
Daniel gaworzewski
Hi I recently finished the figure drawing course. Im hoping in this course I can finally learn how values work. I want to learn how to draw better from imagination. This sketch will be my benchmark since I have drawn this from imagination too. Im ready!!!
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