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found that passion to draw again after those hiatuses. Looking back at old gesture drawings and seeing how much more fluid your current ones are is always a satisfying feeling. Actually makes you realize how much time you wasted drawing the same thing without critically thinking about it. Still have a bit of a scratching problem. Tips/pointers appreciated.
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Got back to drawing after long hiatus, hopefully I can stay consistent. Never really did simplifications like these so they were pretty tough, definitely feel like I'm learning something from this though. If someone with experience in simplification could show me how'd they'd simplify the pictures, I would appreciate it a lot, especially with the cat.
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Had a 1-2 week stint where I wasn't practicing my drawings, and so I feel kinda iffy on these. Tips / pointers appreciated. On a separate note, I've had the figure drawing course for roughly 4-5 weeks now, would this be a good time to start working on the bean? I'd do gesture practices concurrently with the new lessons.
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Some more gesture practice after watching the step by step video. Still have the habit of defaulting to scratchy lines, but I think its a lot better than my previous post. Any tips / pointers would be appreciated.
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Any tips/pointers would be greatly appreciated. Also if you notice any bad habits.
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