Brenden Chianese
Brenden Chianese
Activity Feed
Brenden Chianese
Hello all! This was a fun project to try. I liked simplifying the pear into a basic shape with only straight lines. That definitely made doing the contour easier and little bit less intimidating. That being said I found the values to be a little bit trickier. Looking at my pear and the reference image, I can kind of see where I went wrong with it. The shape of the dark shadow line running across the bottom should probably be adjusted. The shape there looks a bit off to me. I think the bottom floor shadow needs to be moved to the right a little also. And finally the stem doesn't quite look right either. It looks a bit too flat to me. But all in all, I'm feeling pretty good about it. I think this will be a good project to come back to every so often to retry. Then I can see how much I improved!
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Brenden Chianese
These are some bean drawings I did today. They're fun to draw and definitely helping me visualize the torso a bit better. I'm struggling a bit with foreshortening and twists. Lean and tilt I feel fine with, just need to practice a little more with them. Any feedback is welcome!
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Brenden Chianese
Hello everyone! Been working on gesture for the past couple of weeks. Below are some two minute poses I did today. Was hoping I could get some feedback. I'm starting to feel like I'm getting an idea about the flow of the body but at the same time I feel like I'm missing something. I'm not sure what. I'm hoping another pair of eyes could see the mistakes I'm making. What I have noticed is that I have a hard time exaggerating the body, and that I also struggle with arms/legs as well. Any advice and criticism is welcome!
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