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denis bernicky
Hi Darren, Ray Bradbury used to say that to become a good writer you need to write one story a week every week and at the end of the year you'll have a couple of good stories because no one can write 52 bad stories in a row. He had a point. Almost everyone has a bit of gearitis when they start so shake if off and move forward. I had it. If I get Blackwing pencils I will draw better, if I get Stillman & Birn sketchbooks I'll draw better, if I use Holbein gouache I'll paint better and on and on and on. I did it, sometimes still do. But the one that that actually has made me better at painting and composition is cranking out 5 miniature paintings a week every week since 2018. Now I want to learn figure drawing and portraiture so here I am at Proko. As for the age thing...I started painting landscapes and cityscapes when I was 55, I'm 60 now. I've been in multiple shows, sell regularly and I'm not much good really, but I will be, just need another 10 years or so. That's all anyone really needs - time and commitment. As for self-confidence - even Tom Hanks and Lady Gaga (among so many others) talk about their doubts about their skills. Physicians report an incredibly high rate of self doubt. You aren't alone - power on through. Hemingway used to say that if you keep repeating the same story over and over again eventually it will become true. You are an artist - you got this. I have two sayings posted where they can be seen every day. Day One > One Day "If you're not trying to get better you're going to get worse." - Steve Huston
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